Internal medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the discovery of the causes and treatment of diseases of internal organs.

Internal medicine is the basis of numerous subspecialties, i.e. branches of medicine more specifically specialized for individual organs or organ systems that deal with: diseases of the digestive organs (gastroenterology), diseases such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sexual glands (endocrinology), diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (haematology), diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology), diseases of the lungs and respiratory organs (pulmology), diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (nephrology). Internists specialize in quality and effective resolution of complex diagnostic problems, and they also help patients in disease prevention and improvement of health.

The examination by an internist is an examination in which the internal medicine specialist interviews the patient and finds out detailed information, including information about previous diseases, family diseases and the patient’s reason for the visit to the hospital. Then he performs a detailed clinical examination, which means that the doctor will determine the general condition of the patient, measure blood pressure, look at the skin and visible mucous membranes, examine the lymph nodes by applying light finger pressure, examine the blood vessels, abdominal organs and listen to the heart and lungs. After the interview and examination, in agreement with the patient, he will decide on further necessary tests or examinations. It is necessary that you bring with you all previous medical documentation. It is preferable to come to the examination on an empty stomach due to possible laboratory tests.

In the Medico Special Hospital, you can have a preoperative internal examination (with findings) or preoperative treatment for a procedure under general anaesthesia.

Diseases can be detected at an early stage through regular examination, which greatly helps in successful treatment. Timely diagnosis reduces the time and intensity of treatment, which ultimately means a quick and safe recovery. If you have any symptoms, do not feel well, or have doubts that you want to clear up, visit a specialist in internal medicine to get a professional opinion. At the Specialty Hospital Medico, preventive examinations are adjusted to the age, gender and existing health problems of the patients in order to obtain a complete picture of the health condition and advice on how to prevent the onset of disease.