VISION OF THE Specialty Hospital Medico

A dynamic and recognizable private medical institution focused on regional expansion, progress and excellence, with an emphasis on providing fast and quality healthcare, in line with developments in modern medicine by combining professional medical work with clinical research.

MISSION OF THE Specialty Hospital Medico

Our mission is committed to providing exceptional quality and personalized healthcare in one day, in one place. We are committed to achieving superior outcomes for our patients, introducing modern technologies, fostering the expertise of our team, and maintaining high ethical standards.

VALUES OF THE Specialty Hospital Medico

  • Expertise and integrity: With a commitment to the highest professional standards, we ensure expertise in all aspects of medical care. We act with integrity, respecting ethical guidelines while contributing to patient trust and safety.
  • Patient-centred: We place patients at the heart of all decisions and actions. We strive to understand their needs, providing them with personalized care that exceeds their expectations.
  • Innovation and progress: We foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. We take an active role in scientific research and the application of the latest medical technologies to ensure the best possible results for each patient.
  • Teamwork: We believe in the importance of collaboration and teamwork. We encourage open communication among our employees, because we believe that the best results are achieved by work together.
  • Social responsibility: We recognize the importance of contributing to the community. We actively participate in socially responsible initiatives, promote health awareness, and support community development and improvement.
  • Transparency and accountability: We work transparently, providing clear information to patients, employees and partners. We take responsibility for our actions and continuously strive for improvements.
  • Adaptability and empathy: We value diversity and flexibility, adapting to patient needs and changing healthcare environments. At the same time, we show empathy for patients, providing support throughout their healthcare journey.